Sacred Heart School
Mission Statement

Sacred Heart School:
  • is a ministry of Sacred Heart Parish and seeks to educate both hearts and minds.
  • is a community of warm, caring hearts, as demonstrated by leadership through service, and generosity to others by prayer and action.
  • is committed to an education that emphasizes values and teachings in the Roman Catholic tradition.
  • works to create an environment of academic excellence that supports the development of moral character.
  • serves students of different ethnic cultures and religious beliefs from within  the parish and surrounding communities.

  • recognizes individual needs and strives to educate the whole person, through the development of leadership skills, while fostering the concept of a global community.

Endowed with the gift of life from God, each child has the right to an education which adequately prepares the child for life in this world and the next. Sacred Heart School endeavors to achieve this goal by concentrating in four major areas: intellectual, cultural, moral, and spiritual. Our specific goal is to provide the climate, the spirit of cooperation, the curriculum, and the flexibility that will impart a solid foundation for our young people, regardless of race, creed, or national origin.

Christian education aims at the formation of the whole person with respect to the good of society of which each person will be a responsible member. At Sacred Heart School this will be accomplished through programs that allow the students to interact with one another, as well as their families, faculty, and the greater community.