Sacred Heart School
Endowed with the gift of life from God, each child has the right to an education which adequately prepares the child for life in this world and the next. Sacred Heart School endeavors to achieve this goal by concentrating in four major areas: intellectual, cultural, moral and spiritual. Our specific goal is to provide the climate, the spirit of cooperation, the curriculum and the flexibility that will import a solid foundation for our young people, regardless of race, creed or national origin. Christian education aims at the formation of the whole person with respect to the good of the society of which each person will be a responsible member. At Sacred Heart School this will be accomplished through programs that allow the students to interact with one another as well as their families, faculty and the greater community. |
This is the primary reason for Sacred Heart School's existence. Religion is taught formally in the classroom and integrated with other curricula daily. The school day begins and ends with prayer. There are times for prayer during the school day as well.
First Friday liturgies are planned by the students and teachers. During Advent and Lent the Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated by the students.
Other religious programs and activities for the students to understand that service is an outgrowth of religious education are planned. These are an essential component to live the Christian life.
Special preparation is given to the students who will receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Parent meetings are scheduled to enable the parent to participate in these programs with their children.
For further information on parish religious formation opportunities for children, please click on one of the following links:
Parish Kids Corner
Childrens Liturgy of the Word
Youth Choir
Altar Servers
Religious Education