Sacred Heart School
Extended Day Program
School Administration:
Mrs. Katherine Hunter, Principal
Mrs. Arlene Dooley, Business Manager
Mrs. Kathee Swan, Extended Day Accounts Receivable
Ms. Catherine Murphy, Director Extended DayRegistration:
- Arranged by calling the school office
- Completed registration/contract, $25.00 Registration Fee, and first month’s fee
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be a Sacred Heart School student in Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 6
Days and Hours of Operation:
- Monday through Friday from 2:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m.
- First Friday early release days from 11:55 a.m. 5:45 p.m.
- September 8, 2008 through June 10, 2009, the Extended Day Program will operate on any day that school is in session.
- In case of severe ice and/or snow conditions, parents/guardians are encouraged to pick up their child/ren as soon as possible.
Payment Policy:
- Payment Options: monthly, bi-yearly, or yearly.
- Refunds are not given for days when your child does not attend the program illness, play date at a friend’s home, etc.
- A late fee will be assessed if your child is picked up late. It will be $5.00 for every 15 minutes, paid directly to the Director that day.
- Please send payments to the school office make checks payable to Sacred Heart School.
Extended Day Facilities:
- The Extended Day Program utilizes the lower level of the Parish Center (located adjacent to the school).
- The children will play in a designated supervised schoolyard area.
Special Note:
- Please label all of your child/ren’s clothing, backpacks, and lunchboxes.
- No toys, Game Boys, trading cards, or Pokemon cards allowed
(.pdf files)
Extended Day ApplicationA Roman Catholic community walking together in faith, worship, education, and service