North Quincy
Officers: Committee Chairpersons: |
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Teachers, if a student turns to you with the words "write a book review for me", coordinate him with people who will provide them with the appropriate materials and supervise the completion of the assigned tasks.
We wish to extend a warm welcome from the P.T.O. to our new families and faculty members and a warm “welcome back!” to all our returning families, faculty, and staff! We look forward to meeting and working with all of you at the many events we have planned for the coming year.
Sacred Heart School’s Open House will be held on Sunday, January 25th.
Sacred Heart School PTO is an all-volunteer organization committed to providing exciting, innovative, stimulating, and, most of all, FUN, activities for your children. We cannot stress enough the importance of volunteering for PTO events – every event starts and ends with parents! We start with a great idea, and, in order for the idea to be a reality, we need an organizer, and, in order for the idea to become a successful event, we need a team of volunteers! The tremendous success of Queen for a Night is proof – an idea was presented, a parent took the reins and put together a horde of hard-working people who have made this event extremely profitable for the past two years. Through QFAN’s success, we (parents!) have been able to contribute nearly one-half ($17,500.00) of the total amount needed to fund the new science lab. Volunteering some of your time at an event is also a wonderful opportunity to meet other parents. Even if you cannot be physically present at an event, there are always loads of “behind the scenes” tasks that need to be done to ensure an event’s success.
We want to hear from you! Please feel free to email me at or contact any of the other officers – with questions, thoughts, ideas, etc.
Sacred Heart School PTO Officers